- 1.英國倫敦靈糧堂 Bread of Life Christian Church in London, U.K. +44-0208-6577562
- 2.英國倫敦新生命靈糧堂 Bread of Life Christian Church in North London +44--7719183775
- 1.荷蘭鹿特丹靈糧堂 Bread of Life Christian Church in Rotterdam, The Netherlands 31-10-4425220
- 1.匈牙利布達佩斯真道靈糧堂 Budapest Bread of Life Christian Church +(36)–(70)-3785843-
- 2.匈牙利布達佩斯靈糧堂 Bread of Life Christian Church in Budapest 36-70-3281573
- 3.匈牙利蒂薩鐵堡靈糧堂 Fullness of God-Bread of Life Church in Tiszavasvari 36-06705241559-
- 1.義大利特倫托靈糧堂 ROLCC in Trento, Italy --
- 2.義大利維洛那靈糧堂 ROLCC in Verona, Italy --
- 3.義大利瑞吉歐艾米利亞靈糧堂 Living Faith Christian Centre (ROLCC in Italy) --